Thursday, 2 June 2011

And they lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER..!

..  And so they lived happily ever after.... We all are well accustomed with these *platinum* lines right?...Almost all the fairytales end with these lines and as girls we dream that we too will get to put this line in the concludary (I know that is not a word) of our lives....:)..!
      I have always lived in a fairytale world and looked at everything through rose coloured panes...! And without any doubt I probably always will, to a certain extent ! When we talk about *happily ever after* we can easily connect it to *weddings* and marriages! Because ultimately when you get to live your life with the person whom you love so much (Prince charming :In our cases) will live your life happily everrr afterr!!.
   I am not a pro at marritial designs but out of my love for such a beautiful bond (bonded by everlasting love)..! I made some bridal designs, A little rather highly mordernized...xoxo

This one is my favourite!..Th one puff sleeve! Elegency represented ! buttony!

Ok! lawl! IDTS our grannys will agree to this outfit. However I love it..Trendinesss!!

Christian marriages are cute !!!!! Gowns make them cuter..

Though I wont persue as a designer but where as my own marriage outfit is concerned ( No...m not sure yet what it is going to depends on the person I marry --the traditional wear)...lawl! I will design my own :)

I tried hard to collect marritial pix! O f my family..No success!! Its like most of my cousins have setlled far far away after marriage so it was kind of difficult to get pix! I managed to get som though!!..(some )

These are my parents ( my world)..!!! ah! bliss!!

That be my sister and brother in law!!

Miss Ansari (one of my fb friends)..I put this up to display the grandeur  of Hindu bridal wear1

Yet another view of *majesticity*....

.       I f we probe deeper into reality we may perhaps notice that Girls row up listening to fairy tales, and that they are the ultimate princesses of their parents.! Soon enough they realize that life is not a fairytale and compromise with their lives just for an unknown personand family leaving behind everything, their family, friemds, wishes.....They find tears to be theirbest friends and Guys call Girls *all time crying dolls*..Lucky are the guys who son't have to leave anything and who live a life by giviing their mom sister and wife..Girls are the angels on earth!.....I hope all the angels realize their value now!!...Live your fairy tale girls...

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